Pan-European Forest Certification (PEFC) is a system of promotion and voluntary certification of sustainable forest management.
Renewable forest products must gain prominence in consumption over other products such as steel, aluminium, concrete and other materials that are widely used.
Objectives of Forest Certification PEFC:
– Promoting Sustainable Forest Management of forests, as a proper management for the environment, socially beneficial and economically viable.
– Strengthen and enhance the positive image of the forest and wood as a renewable raw material.
– Ensure consumers the origin of the sustainable products.
Chain of Custody Certification is a timber and timber products traceability system that ensures that certified products come from a well-managed source. The chain starts at the forest, ensuring that our natural environment is maintained and is followed through every link of the chain through to the end user.
The Garnica group is PEFC certified.
PEFC Chain of Custody Certification
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