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Products that make the difference in LEED and BREEAM

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Garnica continues to strengthen its commitment to the planet, manufacturing sustainable products and helping its clients to generate benefits and increase environmental value.

More and more companies, builders and private individuals are using our products in their projects, given that they all meet, and even surpass, the technical features and quality standards required. Garnica offers sustainable products with which our clients can earn credits towards achieving LEED and BREEAM certification.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is the most widely used green building rating system in the world. Available for virtually all types of buildings, LEED provides a framework for environmentally sustainable, highly efficient and cost-saving buildings.

The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) assesses the energy performance of buildings with the aim of increasing their value and improving living conditions for their users. Although these two certifications are for buildings and not materials, Garnica’s products can provide clients’ projects with a differential value when it comes to measuring their environmental impact.

Garnica is proud of its continuing commitment to generating benefits and environmental value through its products, systems and solutions, aimed at significantly reducing resource consumption and the environmental impact associated with production processes.


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