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Garnica is working on the Biopoptech project to boost the competitiveness of the forestry sector

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The project is looking to include universities, R&D centres, associations, producers, owners and industries to increase profitability and optimise the quality of the finished products.

At Garnica, we are committed to innovation and sustainability through sustainable forest management, with a focus on continuous improvement. In recent years, we have become involved in numerous R&D&I projects, an important one being Biopoptech, a collaborative project devoted to promoting poplar cultivation and the use of poplar wood in high added value products, with financing from Next Generation EU funds.

With a focus on agroforestry, the aim of the Biopoptech project is to boost the competitiveness of the main poplar producers, incorporating them in the forest-industry value chain by optimising poplar varieties and improving standardisation and value-creating tools. The project also contributes to the supply of renewable energy sources and offers synergies with other priority issues, such as improvements in water management.

To achieve these objectives, a variety of tests will be conducted using the main poplar varieties along the Duero and Ebro river basins. At Garnica, we will focus on characterising the industrial properties of the panels produced with each clone on different pieces of land, ages and weather conditions, defining which varieties are most suitable for peeling, while maintaining the traceability of each clone in the forestry operation.

Specifically, the project will cover at least thirty plots on different pieces of land using the main Euro-American and Inter-American clonal varieties, now of mature age. The first test plots will use I-214 and Unal at Salas de Los Infantes and Hacinas. The results are expected before the summer following the production of different plywood samples at Garnica’s facilities.

At Garnica, we believe it is essential to continue generating knowledge on the industrial optimisation of the different local forest species. In this way, we can help forest owners gain maximum returns from their land and create products with much greater added value for our clients. This project will enable us to continue progressing towards a sustainable production system that creates both environmental and industrial value.

For more information, you can sign up at this link to their newsletter and visit the GO Biopoptech task force’s social media sites:



Promoting poplar cultivation and the cascading use of poplar wood to make high added value technological products, its aim is to develop the value chain associated with the farming and efficient use of poplar trees.

European Commission: https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/common-agricultural-policy/rural-development_en

The GO BIOPOPTECH task force has received a subsidy of €596,871.75 for its innovation project. This amount is 100% co-financed by funds from the Next Generation EU recovery instrument, as set out in Spanish Royal Decree 169/2018 of 23 March.

GO BIOPOPTECH is the body responsible for the project contents.

Spanish Office of Rural Development, Innovation and Agri-food Training (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) as the managing authority responsible for the implementation of FEADER aid.

 “European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas”

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